Hey hey. Hopefully I can think of articles to post on here fairly regularly. If not, suck it. I'll probably write about movies I like, stuff I'm thinking about, or just anything. So here I am!
Agnostic? Atheist?
Published on December 31, 2004 By apdelong31 In Religion
After looking up definitions for both, I don't think I fall into either category. I believe there is a greater being, one greater than any human, but I also believe in evolution. I don't even know if that's a contradiction of beliefs either.

However, the church I attend has REALLY succeeded in turning me off to church and turning me away. The pastor is great, he's always delivered a good message when I've paid attention (that which I don't always do), and he's one of the most compassionate guys you'll ever meet. The congregation is what seems to shove me away. It's quite a conservative Christian audience, but not the wackjobs you find in some places. It's more of a subtle approach, with little sleights and backhanded snipes at each other. I guess I feel like they act condescendingly towards our family, whether it be because we don't attend regularly, AREN'T conservative, or whatnot, but the people of the church have turned me off to Sunday mornings.

What would you say this makes me? Again, I think there's a higher being, be it Jesus, God, Buddha, Allah, etc. etc. Maybe it just makes me an uptight prick, but I'm not sold on JUST Christianity, I understand there are other religions and viewpoints out there.

on Dec 31, 2004
Atheism is a belief that there is no creator or "higher being" (at least in the forms that would be described as "god"). So, if you have any belief in it, then you're not an Atheist. (A is a suffix meaning "lack of" and The is a root word from "theo" meaning "god" and "ism" is a suffix pertaining to a belief of adherence to the root). It is a pretty exacting term, either you believe in something that could be described as a "god" or you don't.

From what I am getting from your article, I think one of the reasons you are confused is because you are mixing terms. Atheism is not synonamous with Evolution. While most atheists do accept evolution, that doesn't mean that the existence of something that could be described as "god" automatically means there is no evolution (especially when you consider micro-evolution).

There is Spirituality, Religion and Doctrine. Spirituality is pretty broad, basically describing a belief in forces beyond what science has been able to quantify. Religion is a set of spiritual beliefs, and doctrine is practical application of a set of beliefs.

I can tell you definitions and entimologies, however, how you choose to use them in your life is up to you... and the point of it all.

Hope that helped.

on Dec 31, 2004
Heh, you kind of go along the same lines I do...I believe in God and Jesus...but also the evolution is very probable...I kind of explained this viewpoint in the one article I wrote awhile back, I think you know the one...(if not I'll post a link here later). So, don't fret...and I understand the church thing, kinda....seeing as how I never go, I'm sure the regular congregation wouldn't take to kindly to me Well, that and I have a habit of speaking my mind and cussing like a sailor....

on Dec 31, 2004

The Buddha is not a deity per se, he's just an example of an enlightened being...and he taught the rest of us about the ways of the the world.  Buddhism doesn't have a god....but there's nothing to say that you can't believe in something bigger than your self, a huger power, and supreme being. 

Buddhism is actually a lot closer to Christianity in it's moral teachings that a lot of people realize.  If you're interested, I have some good web sites for you to go to that will explain the precepts without getting bogged down in the dogma.  Just drop me a line.....

In the meantime...sounds to me like you're going through what i went through right before I quit Christianity.  I saw a lot of things going on in my church and in the name of god that didn't make sense to me, and i had questions that no-one could answer. 

Take some time and figure out what makes sense to YOU, not what people are telling you you ought to believe.  That's by far the best way to figure out who you are and what you're about.

on Dec 31, 2004
This makes you a human being with doubts, just like the vast majority of the rest of the 6 billion of us.
on Jan 01, 2005
Yeah, i agree with you in a way, i don't have a home church, but i'm a practicing christian. Faith is so important no matter what it is.
on Jan 09, 2005
hey andy
you could always just stay home(not a suggestion, just a point) well, the reason I started attending YOUR church is for the same reason you don't enjoy it. Our uptight baptist church views visitors and people who don't attend regularly like smelly, deluded bisen. I think that the church has generally become corrupt. Never fear, just pray about it. God's not your problem, hypocrites are. you may find the perfect church for you!!!

P.S. i read you little "water head" comment. check out My comment to You!
on Jan 09, 2005
- I am the preacherman. I would love to give you my thoughts about your dilemma hope you will prayerfully consider. The average joe that will participate in this thread may not agree with my opinions because they are founded on the Holy Scriptures, but after all, our faith must have a resting place- other foundation can no man lay than that which is laid in Chirst Jesus and His Word.

The first hurdle that one must overcome is the fact that there is ONE God, but many gods. The ONE God is God alone, He is God of all the kingdoms of the earth; and hast made both the heavens and the earth. All the other gods have either been fashioned by man's hand or minds to satisfy some spiritual emptiness.

However, the church I attend has REALLY succeeded in turning me off to church and turning me away

Members in churches can do this very easy.... but once you find a right relationship with the Lord, they will never turn you away from Him.. you'll just have a better understanding of why they act the way they do.

I understand there are other religions and viewpoints out there.

It's like medication... there are many pill on the market for a various sortment of ills, but in order for the medicine to be affective it must be designed to treat the infirmaty. Christ is the only treatment for SIN.... We all fit that bill!

God Bless Andy, in your search for the True and Living God.
on Jan 10, 2005
Being turned off by the church isn't anything new. I'm turned off by the inability for people to accept other people the way they are.

Christians are the worst advertisement for Christianity.

My advice to you is to pray about it, and if you ever want to talk, then you know where to find me.


on Jan 11, 2005
If any are having a hard time believing, it might be good to try this: How would your life be changed if you truly believed and grabbed hold of the story of Jesus? His story and his beliefs have made such a tremendous change in this world and will continue to do so.

If you truly believed that God is good, faithful, merciful, forgiving, caring for you as if you were the only person left in this world. Would this kind of love make an impact on your life? I think it would.
on Jan 11, 2005
Yep church members turned me off too. I never go to church now, but my beliefs havent change and whenever i can i pray or sing, or read the Bible. I know it's better to praise the Lord in a gathering, but i just cant stand the hypocrisy of some. I do miss the messages of that preacher though, so i just review some notes that i took while attending his services.

I hope you find what you're looking for