Closing in on a month left of school, there's so much CRAP going on in my life! I'm going to be so happy when this school year is over. It's gone surprisingly quick, but I have a feeling this last month will drag out for awhile.
For one, I turned in a paper to take a course at the local college, which definitely warranted some think time. If I don't take the college course, I'd have to take the class elsewhere where the teacher is a baby seal-clubbing little *poopstain* from whom I would MUCH rather not learn. On the other hand, taking the college class would take away from a LOT of time with my friends, including my girlfriend (who will probably make recurring appearances in my articles), and I would be much more comfortable taking the seal-clubber's class with my friends. But, on the other hand (my third hand, for those who are counting), the college course would look very good on a transcript, as opposed to S-C's class. That's my major problem. Basketball is also starting up, at the same time as my driving classes. That makes for some stressful travel arrangements. And, english class is starting to blow. With the reading of "Julius Caesar" and other side projects, I cannot wait until it's all over.
"All of which makes me anxious, at times unbearably so"