Hey hey. Hopefully I can think of articles to post on here fairly regularly. If not, suck it. I'll probably write about movies I like, stuff I'm thinking about, or just anything. So here I am!
A little TOO righteous?
Published on April 30, 2004 By apdelong31 In Politics
Recently I've been using the term "blind faith" (or any variation there of) to describe a bunch of things. In my book, blind faith is believing in a cause so much that you don't see the wrong in it. Obviously, 9/11 was the result of blind faith, but I'd also say that was blind, deaf, impotent, and autistic faith. The hijackers wholly believed that the U.S. is the devil and that their interpretation of the Quran was the only interpretation. Even kamikazes in WWII were blindly faithful to a degree, taking their own lives for the pride of Japan.

Which leads me to the present day. For any of my friends reading this that may not know, I am not a Republican, more of an independent that leans to the left a lot. I think our President has been blinded by personal vendettas and personal desires instead of doing what I think he should be accomplishing domestically. I support his actions after 9/11 and liberating Afghanistan, but Iraq has been severely overdone. No, there weren't any WMD's found and yes, we have Saddam in custody. But now, I think it's time he looked at how many American soldiers have been killed by the Iraqi people (and maybe some camel spiders, those things are huge), who are obviously not very keen on our presence. Good things have happened, such as overthrowing Saddam's regime and setting up new schools, but take a step back and look at it all: 500+ soldiers killed and getting nowhere fast in the battle aspect, not to mention extremely low morale from the soldiers.

Don't look through the Washington glasses, but through the glasses of the common American and the American soldier; I believe 500 dead soldiers and devastated families is 500 too many.

on Apr 30, 2004
And to my friends who did just learn about my political preference, don't hold it against me, it hasn't before.
on Apr 30, 2004
Well said.
on Apr 30, 2004
I do agree about the death and the devastation part...and that our president isn't really going anywhere fast...but the occupation of the troops may still be nescessary...you see during the rebuilding of Japan and Europe are troops stayed there for at least 5-10 yrs...This Iraq thing may still take awhile but the killing should be stopping soon...even the Japanese and German soldiers continued to fight after the war...I have no idea why, maybe because of anger or pride...but they did anyway...I'm not disagreeing with you but we should still probably be there to support Iraq while it's in such a state of political turmoil...but that's just my opinion...but if you go talk to our insane SS teacher than I'm sure she'll give you some scenarios just like this one...probably because she lived though them...hehe
I just think the fighting will stop soon, I mean when you have to dig a hole to live in and have a meeting in you're pretty much beaten by then...those crazy little sand people...

Don't like to get into politics but that's my opinion anyway(and don't worry I'm not a politicalsist{you know like a racist execept political}),
on May 01, 2004
This was a good article...

Its hard when you dont know the answers, but people still go along with what they beleive because they think it's right?

Just because they only know the wrong way - the violent and oppresive way, doesn't mean there isn't any other way.

You mention the hijackers having blind faith - I put it to you that many Americans have the same blind faith in their president, and flag. Lucky there are people like you out there... However, i do worry that you would think friends would hold your political stance against you... doesn't sound like a friend at all...

on May 07, 2004
I totally agree with you Andy. I too am an independant leaning more toward the Republican side. I'm glad about all the actions Mr. Bush has done to get Saddam in costody. But I think now he's going a wee bit too far. Too many american's lives are being taken day after day. And some of them are from our own state of Ohio. It's so sad knowing that all of our soldiers are dying to help the Iraqis(sp?) I just wish it could all end. All the killing, and brutality. I think most of you on here would agree with me too. Well this is all I have to say. So now you have all seen my political side. I don't talk alot about it because when it comes to this subject I mostly keep my opinions to myself. Not often do I get away from my humorus side to talk about politics but I can make some acceptions.
Untill next time,
on May 07, 2004
It's called confirmation bias. Basically, person has certain bias, and he or she just sees the facts or events matches the bias and ignore the facts or events that don't match the bias.

Groupthink is something to be avoided. Can anyone tell that I'm taking SPEE 201, Group commucation in college?