Hey hey. Hopefully I can think of articles to post on here fairly regularly. If not, suck it. I'll probably write about movies I like, stuff I'm thinking about, or just anything. So here I am!
Comedy is medicine
Published on April 30, 2004 By apdelong31 In Humor

Friday Night Stand-Up for either those who don't know, don't care, or don't get Comedy Central. It is the most glorious night of the week, watching for hours on end jokes that make you laugh. Some jokes don't make you laugh. Thankfully, there are more that do. Lewis Black, Brian Regan, Frank Caliendo, Dane Cook, Richard Pryor, Steven Wright, Sam Kinnison, are merely a few of my favorite comics. Of the list, Lewis Black, Richard Pryor, and occasionally Sam Kinnison had not only jokes to tell but a story to go with it.

Imagine, a moral to a comedy show.

Lewis Black said comedy is the way he got through 9/11, and that's how he dealt with it. Imagine if there hadn't been laughter, or people there to make us laugh. I would venture to say more than half the people reading this wouldn't be here because they take stuff way too damn seriously. Laughter does help through the harder times! Even if it's just for the half hour, you can forget your problems and laugh about why there are two Starbucks right across from each other, or how funny it is when we start to say something but end up saying something else ("Take care" + "Good luck" = "Take Luck"; you know you've done it).

Especially in such serious and politically correct times like these, laugh a little. Actually look at how stupid you look when you take everything so personally and with such a PC attitude. Heck, just look at PETA, you couldn't make them laugh if you gave them an orgasm. By the way, if you can't say the Spanish word for "black" without feeling you've offended someone, get out of the gene pool now. Be blunt for once, be straightforward, skip the innuendos and don't dance around the point you're trying to convey.

on May 02, 2004
Ah, Mr. Delong, very well written and may I make a point with a quote from Lewis Black "...If you get too caught up in what you believe in and nobody's going hehe....you're screwed..." I think that should also help convey the point you're trying to get people to understand...
I aplaud you on this article...partly because I think it's true and partly because you are a fellow fan FNSU...lol

on May 07, 2004
I don't get Comedy Central but it sounds like a fun channel. Maybe I otta get my mom to order it.

on May 07, 2004
Carebear-you MUST get Comedy Central...FNSU is very, very sweet...it is one of the greatest things to behold...
