Hey hey. Hopefully I can think of articles to post on here fairly regularly. If not, suck it. I'll probably write about movies I like, stuff I'm thinking about, or just anything. So here I am!
The root of all bad things...
Published on May 7, 2004 By apdelong31 In Personal Relationships
...if it's low, that is. Low self esteem blows. Avoid it like the plague. Only until recently have I really come out of a wicked slump of thinking I'm dirt. I didn't think I was the only one my guy my girlfriend had feelings for, that I was weak, and as Jeffrey Dean put it, inadequate. I worried about everything WAY too much. I thought it was going to be the end of a lot of relationships, because I didn't trust people if they complimented me, I thought they were just being nice (which leads to me another moral: BE HONEST). Not to mention the bad hand of genetic legs I got dealt. Lemme paint the picture for you: I'm tall and skinny but I have cankles. Don't talk to me about them. Don't talk to someone else about them. Don't try to touch them. I hate my legs, and the best thing I can figure is to bust my balls doing calf exercises to try to make them less cankley.

Low self esteem=bad. Don't get down on yourself, because you're just that beautiful. Don't second guess everyone, have some trust. Trust makes or breaks any relationship. Try it on for size, it could do you some good!

on May 08, 2004
Oh, you think I'm beautiful, well thank you...lol. OK, now that that's out of the way time to get serious...I totally agree with your point, I myself am distrustful of most people mainly because of what I see around me...I guess you've seen similar if not the same. But I have learned to at least give people a chance...I can usually tell a good person when I first talk to them...or even see them. You have made a good point in how most of today's society views themselves as inadequate, which they shouldn't...they need to just chill and let others like them for who they are....and not try to worry about every little thing. You did a good job Andy, and don't worry about your girlfriend...if she dumps you then she's a crazy a$$ b!$%h...trust me Andy, you're a good guy. Most other guys at school are total dicks(I think you know who I'm talking about)...Just take a deep breath and take whatever comes at ya... (And don't freak out about your cankles...lol) Good luck in your endeavors....

Until I'm needed again,
on May 09, 2004
I agree with you too andy. And I don't think you have to worry about her breaking up with you. She's totally crazy if she does that. I agree with zoo. You are a nice guy and not a dick like most of them.

Untill next time,