Hey hey. Hopefully I can think of articles to post on here fairly regularly. If not, suck it. I'll probably write about movies I like, stuff I'm thinking about, or just anything. So here I am!
Published on July 4, 2004 By apdelong31 In Blogging
Will someone fill me in on the joke if there indeed is one? I've gone so far as to search Google for proof of this Sir Peter Maxwell fellow and nothing shows. I'm sure a healthy portion of his lemmings will respond with cries of blasphemy and the like. I don't agree with anything this fellow says or does, and the facade, although very elaborate, conveys ignorance.

Someone remove this veil of stupidity from mine eyes.

on Jul 04, 2004
ruh roh. Uh, you are new at this, aren't you?

You just may have scored a "hit" with this one, I'd expect a lot of response here.

I'm a-gonna keep my mouth shut on this one. If you want an honest take, you can email me at miner432004@yahoo.com, although it may take me a couple days to respond.
on Jul 04, 2004
Not totally new.

You've got mail.
on Jul 04, 2004
I'm not going to say the Sir Peter is lying, but i guess there is a possible chance. Even if he is, so what. Just read it and have fun with it, or do what ever you please with it. I don't know if i'm much of a help, but i guess you'll have that.

on Jul 05, 2004
Just read it and have fun with it

There you have it. If it makes you feel better, think of Sir Peter as the dark side of human nature. The selfish beast dressed up to tails. I've taken to calling him the monster from our Id. He says the things that, some of us at least, are thinking in the corners of our minds that we keep hiden from civilized company. But by coming out into the open, Sir Peter gives us the opportunity to examine those ideas and feelings, and realize how absurd they are. That's my take.

Of course, it could be that he is just a blue-blooded British a$$clown. Either way he makes me laugh.
on Jul 05, 2004
If I could give a new reader one tip it would be to look for the meaning behind the Maxwell words.
on Jul 05, 2004
Unfortunately some people think that the internet is a mask. Under this cover of mask they think they can say and do anything they like. With this they seem to think they can lie, slander, betray and hurt without consequence. The only person Ive ever blacklisted is this guy. I find him so offensive that I wouldnt even bother putting up with him. I dont see humour in his darkness.
on Jul 05, 2004

LittleWhip, I'd prefer you didn't quote me, both here and in other threads. The words are mine, not yours. Thanks.
on Jul 05, 2004
Little Whip your obsession with letting everyone know you don't like me is becoming tiresome to say the least, I seem to have caused much distress in your cosy little faction, scared that the free ride is over are you?

I would say this to you and to anyone else who is claims to be anti Maxwell... If you don't like my blogs or find me "boring" then that is fine, but stop following me around. If you are genuinely bored by me then don't mention me.

I have thousands of fans and visitors to www.sirpetermaxwell.com every day, of which a small percentage are bloggers at Joeuser so whether you or your clique of friends understand my articles or not is of no consequence to me. But ask yourself this....Is it a coincidence that the most intelligent members of this website are all fans of Sir Peter Maxwell and the collection of bitter housewives and life's losers are all against me?

For the record David St Hubbins will not be "next on my list" as he is clearly not a moron and understands the situation.
on Oct 07, 2004
Sir Peter obviously fears me, as he has yet to offer an adequate reply to a rather pointed comment concerning his asinine views. I find his lack of promptness no longer worthy of my attentions.
on Oct 07, 2004
I've enjoyed SPM's articles greatly -- they bring a smile to my face more often than not. Like any good "is it satire or not" site, SPM allows you to take things in several different ways. The guy's an obvious writing talent, something even his detractors should admit.

on Oct 07, 2004
I hope the peter's favorite activity kills him.

He is one of two people I ever blacklisted. At first it was kinda funny but it decayed. Now? It's like a body everyone refuses to bury and smelling up the whole town.