Hey hey. Hopefully I can think of articles to post on here fairly regularly. If not, suck it. I'll probably write about movies I like, stuff I'm thinking about, or just anything. So here I am!
Published on July 30, 2004 By apdelong31 In Blogging
I've been tooling around JU for about the last hour or so, and I'd say most of the time my BP is higher than normal. All JU does for me anymore is get me ticked off. But rather than just reading comments without acknowledging the author, I've noticed that I argue with a user on one thread, but tolerate and agree with the same user in another thread, just one click away.

In one instance, and the one that really prompted this article, was my stance with Little Whip. I felt I was on alright terms with her and silently applauded her article on preferring the company of whites. That took brass to come out and say, as she was surely aware of the comments to come her way. I also agree with her in that Sir Peter is a dick, and I wished her friend's child the best. Then it came to Phoenixboi's article about revealing JU masks (Link, my reply is #31, LW's is #39).

I think most of it stems from politics. The typical conservative/liberal/Republican/Democrat stereotypes and generalizations tune people out to everything someone has to say. For example, I disagree with BakerStreet's and dharmagrl's political views, but I can agree with them on other topics. I agree with some Republican issues and their take on said issues, and I agree with Democratic issues and their stances (moreso than Republicans).

I've come to the same conclusion with many other JUsers, so I guess this is what I'm looking to get out of this: what do other users think of me? Maybe something I said made you angry enough to never click on one of my articles again, or maybe we've agreed on occasion or often on a matter. What's the verdict?

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 30, 2004
I am very rarely "for or against" people. I am "for or against" issues. That may be a result of my 3rd party affiliation, or it may just be the fact that I try to differentiate between a person and their opinion. I have agreed with you in some cases, and not in others. But never to the point that I thought any less of you.
on Jul 30, 2004
what do other users think of me?

Well, I've seen you around enough that I recognize your name when I see it! Other than recoginition, though, I haven't formed any specific opinion, positive or negative. I guess that means you've neither pissed me off nor made me stop and think, "By God -- this is a genius!"

Actually, unless a user and I have had some sort of personal back and forth (positive or negative) I don't generally form any kind of opinion about them. So for the majority of JoeUsers I'm Switzerland.
on Jul 30, 2004
Andy, you're thinking too much. (This from me... who knew?)

Calm Down. This place is a place for people to write what they want to write about. Politics is a heated conversation. Trying to pull substance from other peoples disagreement with your political views is like wringing a dry sponge.

As of right now Andy, you are just another face in the crowd. (I say this because I, also, am just a face in the crowd) You want people to recognize what you do, as do I, but you just aren't a recognizable persona on JU yet. LW and Peter are JU staples. Even if you don't agree with them, or someone doesn't agree with them, they're still going to be here.

Why do you say with or against? It sounds acusatory, like if I'm NOT with you then I HAVE to be against you. Some people won't be either. I may personally not agree with your political opinion, but I really don't give a bat's lower back. You're a good guy and you write what you feel like writing, and I'll be there to tell you what I think.

Don't let the blogs get you down big man.


on Jul 30, 2004
I don't mean for this to sound harsh, but while you may have been around for a while, you have not been interesting enough consistently enough for me to have formed a significant opinion about your personality. Overall I think you sound like someone who is generally reasonable, but I try to assume that about most people.

I expect that most people will agree with just about everybody else on something eventually. It's not at all surprising, given the number of conversations that you can be involved in on the site, to eventually find that someone disagrees with you vehemently about one thing and applauds your every syllable on another topic. I do that with my friends quite regularly, it's just not often that it occurs between one minute and the next.

One key that a lot of people need to remember is that regardless of how stupid you think a particular opinion is, you need to show a modicum of respect to the person expressing it. Some people may have earned that respect, some may not have, but in the interest of carrying on a civil discourse it is absolutely required.
on Jul 30, 2004
I suppose the title was a bit misleading, thats my fault. I don't mean to make anyone feel as if they have to choose, I'm enjoying the responses so far.

Alex it's good to see you made it home safely, I'll have to talk to you, the Cap'n, zoo, and carebear about how it went!
on Jul 30, 2004
I don't brush people off because I disagree with them. The only reason I avioid clicking people's articles is because I have given up on them posting anything of merit. I disagree with you quite often, and yes, I called you a twit... but I never got the idea that it wasn't worth reading what you write. In the matter of the Klan, I think people can go way off the deep end of the "open minded" pool. Anyway, twit isn't a permanent title
on Jul 30, 2004
The only reason I avioid clicking people's articles is because I have given up on them posting anything of merit.

I'll concur with that. It is rare when I "write a blooger off," though I do on occassion.
on Jul 30, 2004
Ahh, I've been called much worse than a twit, but it's refreshing to know it won't haunt me for the rest of my days
on Jul 30, 2004
If you see people embarassing themselves, you tell them to shut up. When you get into a discussion, you can get tunnel-vision, and forget where you are. You start playing deviil's advocate, you start getting a bit looser with the old philosophy, start maybe lettting yourself lean in ways you wouldn't normally if you were talking in a real-life, public place...

And then suddenly you are defending the KKK and saying Hitler was a genius...

Then your "friend" looks over and says "Gah, shut up, people can hear you", and you realize you are talking really loud and the entire room is sitting, looking at you with their mouth agape.

Yeah, it was kind of like that...

I said shut up, yes, and I meant it in the most humane way. I think your leanings are pretty well known now, little_whip, and they probably lean a lot further than we know (if we try not to read between the lines). You may not care how people take stuff, but the conversation as a whole doesn't look the same from the outside as it does from the inside. It was getting creepy, so I said, "shut up". Take it how you like.
on Jul 31, 2004
on Jul 31, 2004
And Hitler WAS a genius, he could not have come into power and done the damage he did if he were a moron

Here I disagree completely. Certainly Hitler was not mentally retarded. Most likely his intelligence was somewhat above average. But to call him a genius solely on the basis of his political and genocidal accomplishments is ridiculous. Any number of people have unleashed genocidal policies. All it takes is a lot of hate, a grim determination, and the tiniest modicum of imagination.

But that's a debate for another place.
on Jul 31, 2004
Shut up, little_whip... ...

... no, really, shut up...
on Aug 01, 2004
Ladies and gentlemen, not here or they get deleted. I can see the attempt at making it a joke, but the underlying theme isn't very jovial.
on Aug 02, 2004
Andy, who gives a darn what people think of you. Just be happy that you are able to voice your opinion on something. If people don't like you, then so be it. It's not like you care right? I mean I really don't know of a certain blogger on here that doesn't like me, but I'm sure there are some out there, and you know what, I don't care.

on Aug 08, 2004
Andy, don't worry i had kinda the same prob. and i posted an article about it on mine today before i read yours. I know you shouldn't care right but you kinda do just because you don't know why. I am the same way if that is it. Cause that is how i feel. I don't care what people think of me here though. Live your life like you want and everything will go good don't worry about things like this. Well at least try like i am.

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