Hey hey. Hopefully I can think of articles to post on here fairly regularly. If not, suck it. I'll probably write about movies I like, stuff I'm thinking about, or just anything. So here I am!
Like cars, you know
Published on October 4, 2004 By apdelong31 In Misc
As I was dozing off behind the wheel, I was thinking, what if children were labelled by year? Sometimes you'll hear people say "Look at that! That's a nice '69 Mustang" or whatever, and I was wondering (in my half conscious stupor) why people don't say "Now there's a great '88 model athlete".

Yeeeeaaahh, this idea was a lot more intriguing at 65 mi/h in a near sleep. Hard to follow when fully functional, but you know what? I want the points damn it. And I told myself at the time "This would make for a good JU article" and I wouldn't be able to sleep until I finally tried to suck an article out of it.

on Oct 04, 2004
...Sounds...erm...creative and interesting. Yeah.
on Oct 04, 2004


That reeked like Michael Moore's underpants after a half mile sprint to get to McDonald's before closing!

Ok, so it wasn't THAT bad....I just wanted to use that line.

on Oct 06, 2004
Heh, that would be awesome if they did that! Yeah, mustangs are all nice!

on Oct 07, 2004
Responses: As expected.

Article: Still really blows.
on Oct 07, 2004
....I'm following that....and I'm glad I'm not the only one that gets drowsy going at excessive speeds behind the wheel. (NOTE: if you're riding with me....talk, or I'll nod off and you'll die.......I'm not kidding)

on Oct 08, 2004
I believe it, zoo, driving makes me sleepy as well. A scary thought to think I MUST talk to you if I ride with you, but if it keeps me alive, damn it I'll talk.