Hey hey. Hopefully I can think of articles to post on here fairly regularly. If not, suck it. I'll probably write about movies I like, stuff I'm thinking about, or just anything. So here I am!
Fairfield County's finest
Published on October 13, 2004 By apdelong31 In Entertainment
A blessing and a curse: The Fairfield County Fair. To give you a little background, rural Ohio isn't very sophisticated.

So it's fair time. The first thing that tells me is a week off of school. Back in the day, the amount of students with projects at the fair outnumbered the amount that didn't, so it was practical to take the entire week off. Right now, I don't think there are nearly as many students with projects, so it's a free week. Makes me happy. Gives me time to sleep, hang out with my friends, screw around for a week, and sleep some more.

However, I've found I'm allergic to the fair. I don't think it's just the rabbits or the dust or the horses, I think it's the fair as a collective. That's a pain in the ass, having to scrounge for napkins in place of tissues.

Then, there's the town folk. My Lord, the fair brings out the best. The exact people that SHOULDN'T be eating fair food populate the lines more than anyone else. For a gouged price, mind you. For those of you who aren't blessed with county fairs, don't try to imagine the types of people you see. It's not the guy who smells funny on the subway or the person who makes a weird noise when he/she inhales, or even the suicidal, over-pierced goth child taking your order at McDonald's. This is a whole new breed of oddity, one that cannot be put to words. So I'm sorry I got your hopes up for a description, I wouldn't do those fine persons justice.

Thank goodness for the week off, curses for the externalities.

on Oct 13, 2004

Oh, someone's been paying attention in economics....lol....sorry had to call you on it.

Ah, the fair....fun and scary, like a haunted house with the strangest people ever to crawl from the primordial ooze bumping into you as they rush to devour greasy foods such as a cup(that's right, they're in cups) of french fries for $4.00 a shot.....it's almost as bad as King's Island.....there are always weirdos up there.....

on Oct 13, 2004
I was going to leave a little post script, thanking Mr. Roderick, but he doesn't deserve my thanks.

Good connection, though, King's Island has more than an abundance as well.
on Oct 14, 2004
I had to look up externalities. Wow.
on Oct 14, 2004
What can I say, quality non-partisan education at work.