Hey hey. Hopefully I can think of articles to post on here fairly regularly. If not, suck it. I'll probably write about movies I like, stuff I'm thinking about, or just anything. So here I am!
Published on October 13, 2004 By apdelong31 In Home & Family
Less than four hours after I laud the fact that we have the week off of school, I screw mine up completely. I'm laid up completely for the next couple days possibly, and from any serious activity for the next couple weeks.

After I got done writing my fair break article, I thought I'd go in and lift at the local friendly YMCA and shoot around in the gym a little. Wouldn't you know it, ALL ALONE in the gym, I roll my right ankle and hear a definite "pop". After writhing on the floor for a couple minutes, I hobble out to my car to call my dad. Skipping ahead, we found out it's just a sprain and I'm on crutches till it can hold enough weight to walk. Really screws up my preseason basketball conditioning and about EVERYTHING for the next 3-4 weeks.

It must all be a liberal conspiracy.

on Oct 13, 2004
Something that really helps the inflammation, try icing for twenty minutes on, 10 off (preferably through a towel or sock) three times in a row, three times a day, for three days, then ice (just once) several times a day.

Asprin or ibuprofen also works well to take down swelling/inflammation, and above all rest it long enough to heal completely. Been there, done that, (I'm a runner) I wish you luck, and hope you're back in the game soon.
on Oct 13, 2004
Asprin or ibuprofen

What...no motrin?

-- B
on Oct 14, 2004
Oh for christ's sake son. Is EVERYTHING going to crap while I'm gone?

So I guess that hobble to the car must've really sucked. Did anyone from the Y help you? Think you'll be OK for the Browns game?

And yeah, how's this affect basketball? Personally, I think you should live this up. Fight for an electric wheelchair. You KNOW you want one. Think about it - a joystick, a chair, and wheels. Extra points for running over someone's foot.
on Oct 14, 2004
Oh man, the hobble was the worst part after the writhing on the floor. The only help I really got was some guy holding the door for me, but I didn't ask for any help. I'll be alright for the Browns game, it hasn't hurt at all today, I can put all my weight on it. I used the crutches though because I still wore the splint they gave me; tomorrow I'll be back to normal with a little limp.

I got to ride around a wheelchair at the hospital, that was fun. I didn't even think about using a handicap parking spot at Emma's vball game or getting a motorized cart at Wal-Mart. I should have tried harder, but considering I can walk, it didn't cross my mind.
on Oct 17, 2004
Hmm....the universe can be a bitch sometimes can't it?....well, glad to see you're getting better.....and, well......I'm out of stuff to say on this topic.....so...........see ya!
