Hey hey. Hopefully I can think of articles to post on here fairly regularly. If not, suck it. I'll probably write about movies I like, stuff I'm thinking about, or just anything. So here I am!
Published on October 15, 2004 By apdelong31 In Humor
Damn thee Arm & Hammer! Damn you all to hell! That goes for the rest of you as well, you Crests and Aquafreshes.

As I'm prepping my toothbrush for the nightly brushing, I squeeze the tube ever so slightly just to get the toothpaste on the stinking brush. Oh how careless I must have been! I manage to find the air bubble in every tube of toothpaste I've ever used. I don't know why it's there and why it isn't REMOVED before sent away to the consumers, but I hit that air pocket and lose a perfectly good bit of toothpaste to the oasis that is the bathroom sink. Shot off like a cannon. Maybe I should have held the toothbrush more in the line of fire, but then it just wouldn't lay right. Another wasted brush-worth of toothpaste, another night ruined.

Why me, Lord, why me?

on Oct 15, 2004
Well, not my top article lol.
on Oct 15, 2004
hehe very amusing
on Oct 15, 2004
I see that you are very serious about your dental care. 
on Oct 15, 2004
I can see Jim Carrey doing this as a one act....

Sorry for your toothpaste troubles. May your luck improve next time.

on Oct 17, 2004
You were bored as hell weren't you?...

on Oct 17, 2004

yeah, what is up with that toothbrush stuff man!!? I tell yeah, they should move those airbubles to where they belong

In the air and not in the tube.