Hey hey. Hopefully I can think of articles to post on here fairly regularly. If not, suck it. I'll probably write about movies I like, stuff I'm thinking about, or just anything. So here I am!
apdelong31's Articles In Current Events
June 11, 2004 by apdelong31
Boy it's been awhile. Just catching everyone up on what's been going on, as if anyone cares. See that last sentence just makes me feel as if someone actually does care, and that gets me points with the shrink. Anyway, this week kinda stunk. WAY too much to think about with it being the first week of summer break. Basketball camp mainly. I had my good days and bad, today was a pretty good day. I was doing so well until I landed on another guy's foot and rolled my right ankle. Still hurts li...
April 27, 2004 by apdelong31
Closing in on a month left of school, there's so much CRAP going on in my life! I'm going to be so happy when this school year is over. It's gone surprisingly quick, but I have a feeling this last month will drag out for awhile. For one, I turned in a paper to take a course at the local college, which definitely warranted some think time. If I don't take the college course, I'd have to take the class elsewhere where the teacher is a baby seal-clubbing little *poopstain* from whom I would M...