Hey hey. Hopefully I can think of articles to post on here fairly regularly. If not, suck it. I'll probably write about movies I like, stuff I'm thinking about, or just anything. So here I am!
Published on October 7, 2004 By apdelong31 In Politics
(Author's note: This article was intended to be an opinion article about the new Green Day album, but became an opinion article of another kind)

That about says it all, american idiot. This website is driving me so far out of my mind. I'm a fish in a sea of sharks, I feel like a "closet queer" honestly, here and where I live, being a democrat on JU and in rural Ohio.

Even my education is being compromised, little political snips and jabs here and there under the table (from both sides, mind you). Politics are the hot topic this fall obviously and as hard as they are to avoid, I only wish some people could keep their beefs and issues to themselves for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Go to as many rallies, flag burnings, prayer meetings, party meetings as you want ON THE WEEKEND, if any of those happen to be your calling. I manage to keep myself under control when other students and teachers decide to slam Kerry, and I don't slam back; if I did, I'd surely have the entire school right up my ass with little off-hand comments. I'm not about to come out and make it more known that it already is, though, because I'm afraid some of the people I care about most would let it get in the way of our friendships or otherwise. Call me paranoid, but it's a risk I'm not willing to take.

Here's my JU coming out. So many times I've heard certain "JU elders" go on and on about how Democrats/liberals don't understand anything, are "sheep", need to focus on other issues, are more inflammatory than Republicans/conservatives, etc. All you have to do is go to the JU homepage!!! It'd riddled with conservative slant and underhanded character judgments. Not to mention almost every stinking article on the front page is written by Draginol.

This is a land of make believe, and it sure don't believe in me.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 07, 2004
I think the Left like to THINK they are somehow overwhelmed by the "traditional" masses. Makes them feel all edgey, like they are fighting the Man. In reality they have as many work-a-day, soccer mom drones as anyone else.

If anyone here thinks Conservatives have it easy, I would suggest making a fake account and writing up a nice anti-kerry article. Wear a helmet...
on Oct 07, 2004
Indeed. The worst things I see liberals get called here are things like "naive" or "bleeding heart".  Meanwhile, I get called a "fascist" or a "Nazi" and what not by the so-called compassionate tolerant left wingers around here.
on Oct 08, 2004
way to go kid, now you've done it

on Oct 08, 2004
This website is driving me so far out of my mind.

Politics are the hot topic this fall obviously and as hard as they are to avoid, I only wish some people could keep their beefs and issues to themselves for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week

I'm all "voted" and "poltics" out and that's only from coming to this site. I think I'm gonna skip out for a while until after January.
on Oct 08, 2004

I think the Left like to THINK they are somehow overwhelmed by the "traditional" masses. Makes them feel all edgey, like they are fighting the Man. In reality they have as many work-a-day, soccer mom drones as anyone else.

Hey!  That's enough dogging on us soccer moms! 

You're right, of course.  They have to feel like they're fighting someone or for something, or they lose momentum.  As long as there is an 'establishment' they will be 'anti'.  It's kind of like Brando's line in 'The Wild Ones' (when asked "what are you rebeling against?"  He replies "Whadda ya got?")

Draginol's right about the name calling too.  It seems that the left's standard response when confronted with an ideology they don't care for is to label it 'fascist' or 'nazi'.  It gets really old, really quick.


on Oct 08, 2004
Hey Brad, you left me out

What I find really disturbing is the fact you are scared to admit your political leanings at school. I am sorry, but thats not an ideal environment for learning, or living for that matter.. being worried what your peers think of you because of your political allegiance.

I don't know if i could do it, and for that, you certainly have my respect.

Democrats, like Republicans are their own worst enemies... there are small portions of morons on each side of the spectrum, and unfortunately, they give ammo to the other sides... you are an island, think happy thoughts

on Oct 08, 2004
I manage to keep myself under control when other students and teachers decide to slam Kerry, and I don't slam back; if I did, I'd surely have the entire school right up my ass with little off-hand comments. I'm not about to come out and make it more known that it already is, though, because I'm afraid some of the people I care about most would let it get in the way of our friendships or otherwise. Call me paranoid, but it's a risk I'm not willing to take.

I'm pretty new here and I don't know how to look up facts as well as the others, but i'd think school would be the most safe place to be a Kerry supporter. If I can find the stats(probably can't, maybe someone can help) I think somewhere around 80%-90% of the college professors in this country consider themselfs liberal or democrate.
on Oct 08, 2004
Washingtontimes.com article name " Political professors rife, hill intern says, author Grant Schultz

Liberal dominance in academia is nothing new. A recent study conducted by the American Enterprise Institute and the Center for the Study of Popular Culture found an overwhelming majority of faculty at U.S. colleges and universities lean left. At Cornell University, for instance, the left exceeded the right by a 166-6 margin. Schools including Harvard, the University of Colorado at Boulder and the University of Texas at Austin had comparable ratios.
The University of California, in a move criticized as opening the door to further liberal dominance, also plans to cut parts of its 69-year-old academic freedom policy that protects classrooms from politically biased teaching.
Laura Ferrell, a senior at Dartmouth College who will speak on the forum's student panel, said she witnessed classroom bias firsthand when a professor in her Spanish literature class veered off topic to show images of civilian causalities in the war against Iraq.

all of the above was quoted directly from the article you can view the whole article at
on Oct 08, 2004
MNFisherman, school for me is 11th grade, sorry for not elaborating and in turn, bursting your bubble.

Muggaz, I thank you for your kind words. Although stated humbly, I mean it sincerely.

alan, yes I do believe I have.

And Patriot Flamethrower, you can now take your one man "patriot party" and blacklist your butt the hell out of my blog. I've seen what you had to say on other threads and frankly, I won't have it on any of mine.
on Oct 09, 2004
Don't be Naive ,
People who are your enemy, don't care if your Liberal or Conservative.
Only that your an American.
on Oct 09, 2004
Damn i was hoping this would eventually become an actual review of Green Day....For the record...The CD is excellent!
on Oct 10, 2004
on Oct 10, 2004
thatoneguyinslc, you're darn right it is! It's all I listen to anymore.

hitparade, only confirming my assumption that you are impotent.
on Oct 10, 2004

Reply #28 By: apdelong31 - 10/10/2004 11:51:04 AM
hitparade, only confirming my assumption that you are impotent

I believe that YOU are the one having problems in that department!
on Oct 10, 2004
Ah, but that I am not.
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