Hey hey. Hopefully I can think of articles to post on here fairly regularly. If not, suck it. I'll probably write about movies I like, stuff I'm thinking about, or just anything. So here I am!
Published on October 7, 2004 By apdelong31 In Politics
(Author's note: This article was intended to be an opinion article about the new Green Day album, but became an opinion article of another kind)

That about says it all, american idiot. This website is driving me so far out of my mind. I'm a fish in a sea of sharks, I feel like a "closet queer" honestly, here and where I live, being a democrat on JU and in rural Ohio.

Even my education is being compromised, little political snips and jabs here and there under the table (from both sides, mind you). Politics are the hot topic this fall obviously and as hard as they are to avoid, I only wish some people could keep their beefs and issues to themselves for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. Go to as many rallies, flag burnings, prayer meetings, party meetings as you want ON THE WEEKEND, if any of those happen to be your calling. I manage to keep myself under control when other students and teachers decide to slam Kerry, and I don't slam back; if I did, I'd surely have the entire school right up my ass with little off-hand comments. I'm not about to come out and make it more known that it already is, though, because I'm afraid some of the people I care about most would let it get in the way of our friendships or otherwise. Call me paranoid, but it's a risk I'm not willing to take.

Here's my JU coming out. So many times I've heard certain "JU elders" go on and on about how Democrats/liberals don't understand anything, are "sheep", need to focus on other issues, are more inflammatory than Republicans/conservatives, etc. All you have to do is go to the JU homepage!!! It'd riddled with conservative slant and underhanded character judgments. Not to mention almost every stinking article on the front page is written by Draginol.

This is a land of make believe, and it sure don't believe in me.

Comments (Page 1)
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on Oct 07, 2004
Heres me crying a tear for you... oh wait, get over it.
on Oct 07, 2004
What did you expect with the Republicrats and Demicans dividing this country into Red and Blue?

Seriously we need more parties in power, this two party system does not work, and don’t you think so too?

- GX
The Anti-Republicrat Anti-Demican Libertarian
on Oct 07, 2004
I feel ya!

You're so on with "It'd riddled with conservative slant and underhanded character judgments". I just started using this site, so there is no JU elder in me, but in just a few days of poking around I did notice that Draginol is all over the place and there does seem to be an awful lot of liberal bashing going on...not to say the two are connected...I don't see that much conservative bashing going on though. Maybe the people that they consider left are too busy out trying to do something to get the American people better represented.
on Oct 07, 2004
Draginol is the owner; it's only natural that he advertises his own work above others. And the conservative slant is not as pervasive as you might think. There are lots of liberals and libertarians on the site, and each of them tends to be reasonably vocal. It's just the conservatives, although probably equal in number to the liberals, tend to write more on political issues.
on Oct 07, 2004
Lizard: If you are new around here, Draginol is the creator of JoeUser and Stardock Corporation, also known as Brad Wardell. Just a little FYI before you feel like revolting.

Grim: I'm for a two hour anarchy worldwide. That could take care of a few grudges. Not to mention that's the LONGEST anarchy could last lol.

d3adz0mbie (surely a l33t speak aficionado): I feel I speak for all of my readers (all 3 of them) when I saw we are all refreshed and challenged by your point of view. Thank you for trolling today.
on Oct 07, 2004
I don't see that much conservative bashing going on though. Maybe the people that they consider left are too busy out trying to do something to get the American people better represented.

BS there are as many leftie Demican articles as there are Rightie Republicrat articles, where have you been, apparently not looking at JU, eh?

- GX
on Oct 07, 2004
Grim: I'm for a two hour anarchy worldwide. That could take care of a few grudges. Not to mention that's the LONGEST anarchy could last lol.

I am not talking anarchy, I am talking more parties in power, because the two IN power are not that different overall.

- GX
on Oct 07, 2004
Heh....ah, politics are so evil....I stay away usually, but if you want to know something....technically I'm a Democrat....but I'm not hard core in any sense and I don't care who's bashing what because I don't give a crap....so, Andy you're not the only Democrat closet case.....though I like to be more neutral than anything......let's say if I had to chose between left and right I would sit in the aisle leaning towards the Democrats.....

Fight the good fight Brother! (Oh, that sounds corny as hell doesn't it?...
on Oct 07, 2004

I don't see that much conservative bashing going on though. Maybe the people that they consider left are too busy out trying to do something to get the American people better represented.

Oh, there is.  Lots of it.  In fact, in terms of bashing I'd have to say that the left pulls out all the stops. 


on Oct 07, 2004
I suggest you take a head count of all the political articles posted in teh last few weeks. There may be a wandering, natural ebb and flow when news hits Bush or kerry individually, but I think you'll find this is no seat of conservative thought...
on Oct 07, 2004
but I think you'll find this is no seat of conservative thought...

that is crap.
Here is an analysis of the current 20 front page posts in the recent articles section:

1. Thoughts About The Vice-Presidential Debate by Patriot_Flamethrower - hard right republican
2. The Duelfer Report: Not Kerry's Best Reference. by BakerStreet - republican
3. The biggest scandal in history by d3adz0mbie - hard right republican
4. For all those that thought Saddam was being good. by drmiller - hard right republican
5. The rest of the story on Cheney and Halliburton by drmiller - hard right republican
6. Money trail behind Kerry's Iran stance by Frogmanor - hard right republican

PRO DEMOCRAT (liberal)
1. This one (and that was not obvious)

Very few of us write blatantly left wing or liberal articles as it's a pretty damn lonely existence.

on Oct 07, 2004

Statistically there are more left wing articles created each day on JoeUser.com than right wing. It's not even close. You can just go to the forums and count them up yourself.  It's a 5 to 2 split right now in the past 7 days.

It makes me wonder if those who are left of center are so intolerant of other views that the very existence of non-left wing articles is considered a threat.

Just go look at https://www.joeuser.com/forums.asp?MID=3

On this page, of the current forum posts that have a bias one way or the other that I could tell, 21 are left leaning and 16 are right leaning (and the reason there's so many right leaning is because I just got done responding to a bunch of my own posts which are right leaning which brought them back up to the page).

on Oct 07, 2004

BTW, Gerry, if you really think there are few left leaning writers here then I suggest you aren't looking very hard because they outnumber the regular conservative writers.

You've got:

Champas Socialist



COL Gene





And these aren't just people who have made one post or something. These are fairly prolific writers.

In the current events channel,  5 of the 8 top posts are very left leaning. Only 1 of the 8 is right wing.

Like I said, I think this post demonstrates a point I've made before - that the left is intolerant of other points of view.






on Oct 07, 2004
Hey Gerry,

Yep, Patriot Flamethrower is a "hard right Republican". LMAO!

I am something that is completely FOREIGN to the leftie sheep who come into JU. I am an INDEPENDENT THINKER. I sift through the political rhetoric and other bullshit I read and see and hear on a daily basis, and what I am left with is enough verifiable facts to formulate an EDUCATED OPINION.

I follow no particular political party. In fact, I am of the opinion that a THIRD PARTY is the answer to this country's woes, and I have a name for it, The Patriot Party.

It's actually quite simple. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and walks like a duck, IT'S A DUCK.

In my ever-humble opinion, the DEMOCRATS are liars, political henchmen and powerbrokers, and are the most DANGEROUS of the two major political parties in the USA because their SOLE MOTIVATION is POLITICAL POWER. They care about NOTHING else. They use the STUPIDITY of the average American voter to their advantage. They have a keen knowledge of how naive and gullible and nonsensical their constituents are.

On the other hand, the REPUBLICANS are the NERDS. They are the intelligent ones, they are honest to a FAULT, they have deep, unshakeable core beliefs, and they truly love our country. But on the other hand, they are the WIMPS. They will NOT defend their core beliefs and positions aggressively enough. They refuse to get down and dirty with the Democrats. They are too self-righteous and they seriously underestimate the STUPIDITY of the average American voter.

In a perfect world, a DEMOCRAT would NEVER be elected to ANY political office, and the bully Democrats would beat up most of the nerd Republicans, leaving a THIRD political party to pick up the pieces and start all over.

Don't pigeonhole me as a "far-right Republican". That is too simplistic, and an insult to MY intelligence, and to yours.
on Oct 07, 2004

I don't know if Republicans are particularly more honest.  I think it would be true that the convicted felon population is largely Democratic though.

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